DrillDowns in Kibana by Amit Kumar
What is DrillDowns in Kibana?
Drilldowns are nothing but a way to connect your visualization or dashboards which is build under kibana to another dashboards. There are many such cases where you cannot add all sorts of relevant data under one dashboard inside kibana. Let’s consider a usecase as below:-
In the above visualisation you will see, I have the count of flights departed from these cities in descending order. Now I want to go in details these flights per city wise, In order to do that I need to go to discover tab and filter the cities one by one and get more details. Sample of one city “Tokyo” is shown below:-
In the discover tab, We can go ahead and check individual logs one by one which have complete set of data to narrow down our search.
Now the question is:- When you share your visualisation or dashboards to your team mates or any other person in management to monitor. Should we expect them to write these KQL? NO, cannot expect that…
So at these situations you will find the need of connecting Kibana visualisation to discover tab or you can connect to other dashboards also.
But guys, this is one of the use case, there multiple other scenarios which we can explore based on requirements.
How do we configure it?
In order to configure this feature for visualisation, you need to perform below steps:-
- Launch Kibana and go to Stack Management tab:-
- Inside Stack Management select Index Patterns
- Select a pattern
- Filter and filter the field which you want to make clickable.
- Update the format field as URL and type LINK.
In the above diagram you can see on the right side we are adding a url which is copied from browser where kibana discover tab is open.
We need to remove the static filter value and add a variable to it. We need to take care(remove) the special characters which would appear on the url.
See it In action.
Kibana Drilldown video Link :-
ELK is a great stack to explore and most of its features is under basic license(its free version). I would suggest to explore it.
ELK Link:- https://www.elastic.co/
Channel Link:- for more topic on elastic you can explore this channel on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQwngRbMqKOCI0L0cvA_fAA
Thanks for reading, have a great day!